Monday, February 23, 2009

Young Leaders as Insurgents

Two very important videos from Mark Driscoll on Young Leaders, what they are, what they could be, and what they could do. Very important and inspirational. Please take heart older generation. We want to lead, help us, we need you, but not your pride.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Justification, a rest...

“If thou feel thy sins, and the burden thereof, look not them in thyself, but remember that they are translated and laid upon Christ, whose stripes have made thee whole (Isa. liii. 5). This is the beginning of health and salvation. By this means we are delivered from sin, justified and made inheritors of everlasting life, not for our own works and deserts but for out faith, whereby we lay hold upon Christ…
And we are, ‘justified freely by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus’ (Rom. iii. 24). Wherefore it is a great matter to lay hold upon Christ by faith, bearing the sins of the world. And this faith alone is counted for righteousness….Wherefore God doth accept or account us as righteous only for our faith in Christ….
But where Christ and faith be not, there is not remission or covering of sins, but imputation of sins and condemnation. Thus will God glorify His Son, and will be glorified Himself in us through Him.” Martin Luther, Commenting on Galatians 2:15,16.

We are most prone to forget the doctrine of Justification by Faith alone. I have been sweetly reminded of it hence from reading through Luthers commentary on Galatians. Truly it is the most freeing doctrine of all, and hurling oneself headlong therin, sweet refreshment shall come from the pure waters of Zions heavenly stream.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I love Hardcore, but Holy Hip Hop is better

Thank you Thabiti for recognizing. The next thing better would to have Carl Trueman criticize Little Wayne.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chosen By God

"We must learn that God has chosen us, not because he saw something good in us, or found us more amenable than those whom he rejects, but simply that he might reveal the full splendor of his generosity." -John Calvin, Sermons On The Beatitudes, p. 5.

"Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory,
for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!" -Psalm 115:1

"Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use?" -Romans 9:21

This is the definition of the Sovereign Grace of God. Not that we had any favor, beauty, or blessing in and of ourselves, but that God did all the work. Save the stupid, dumb, deaf, and blind Lord. And let the smart, intelligent, quick witted people die in their sin. Thanks be to God for Grace.

Unreached People Groups