Monday, August 31, 2009

My Friends

I love how interesting my friends are. They are truly a blessind and much need encouragement to me all the time. The following transcript is such an encouragement:

me: have nothing to proove. i'll beleive that when i see it
clint: the only thing i lost out on was my pride
me: 'you can live off what people throw away!'
clint: yeah, well thats already been proven
and still is. dude i found a dead deer on the road. and went back at dark to harvest it, and somebody already took it!!!
freshly dead.
me: yeah they are called animal control

I love my friends.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Carl at it again

For all two of you read my blog you should know that I devour most articles that Carl Trueman puts up on the Reformation21 blog. We'll lady and gentleman, he is at it again.

He gives a brief synopsis of what it means to make committed decisions in our world that has elevated the ability to choose as the highest human right. This has many problems but let me just give you a few quotes to stir your appetite for destruction:

"To Lead is to Choose."

"...if it is true that this generation is addicted to the cult of choice and of keeping all options open, is it not the case that this generation is ill-equipped to hold any position of leadership?" And I would ask this as well. Because you have to commit to lead and in a generation that will make no enemies how can this be done?

"Of course, there are many other aspects of our culture which point to this reality of emotional retardation. The compulsive need of some to be liked, to the extent that any criticism of them generates visceral and personal responses speaks of a deeply insecure and immature section in our culture."

"The man who has no enemies has no honour." However, the problem with this Presbyterian saying this, is that he makes excuses not to make reconciliation. It is true what he is saying, but, if we are not careful, our humility will go out the window as our enemies grow.

Read the article, its really good.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Long Time, No Blog

As of late I have been working two jobs, breaking into my new marriage, and trying to study 4 books at once. Therefore, I have not had much time to blog, let alone much else. Despite the such the summer is going quite nicely. I have been thoroughly enjoying my sojourn in Lake Tahoe and it is becoming an ever increasingly special plate to me. Much nostalgia.

Theologically Im just getting more pissed off than ever. Recently people in high positions are making excuses for the church not to be evaglistic, or to use their terms we are only supposed to be a 'witness' and then the officers in the church are supposed to do all the work. Sounds like the catholic church to me, where the priest(officer) does everything.

Along those lines Im trying to figure out myself theologically. There are a lot of discrepancies between the Missional(Mark Driscoll and the church I am going to right now) and the Reformed(old stuffy knowitalls). This is causing a great rift in my brain and will take a bunch of time to sort out. But Im gonna try and stick it out at Westminster Semitary(oops) California, where intelect comes to grow and humilty comes to shrink. At least that has been my observation, because they cant admit that they suck, not even at one thing, which is what we in the working world call arrogance, but in academia your nitch.

However with the daily joys of my personal bible reading(Christ is alive!), my wife, the few times I get to go rock climbing, and failblog all hope is not yet lost.

Here is an encouraging quote by Shakespeare to end this blog(so we can try to be pluralistically positive! Yay for relativism!JK)

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once."

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