"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us" -Romans 8:18
People under the shadow of incorruptible hope are those who are defined as unstoppable. Like a mighty behemoth they roll always increasing in momentum tearing through all obstacles that encumber their pilgrimage. With the mighty fortress of a heart, mind, ambitions, and then actions girded with the hope that the redemption of all things is near(Luke 21:28). And this hope, this hope of glory that we have been given the radical imputation of Christ righteousness, merited to our account freely, as a gift is the strength to endure this falable, fickle generation(Matt 24:12-14) and to preach with unbounded grace to all the greatest joy of all, to worship the one true God who brings unity into diversity. Let us unswervingly hold to our confession, the hope of Christ. And let despair die beneath the foot of the cross so as to have same fate as those whose walk ends with the guillotine.
Do we not gaze upon such hope that fueled the life of Christ and how he always hoped in the sufficiency of Scripture to deliver him from this world(Matt 4:10). And then Paul, herald of the eternal gospel and his unstoppable pilgrimage, sparked by the ethanol hope of Christ, "And thus I make it my ambition to preach Christ we he has not been named, lest I build on someone else's foundation, as it is written, 'Those who have never been told of him will see(hope), and those who have never heard of him will believe(hope)'"(Romans 15:20,21). And last but not least the martyrs in the first three centuries of the church scream of radical purity, radical generosity, and radical hope as they laid next to decaying plague victims, abandoned by all who knew them for fear of rot forming within their own bones. They were to become victims themselves by the ethanol of hope steeled into their muscles by the gospel. But as the least of these are those saddled with disease, so many shall become first in the kingdom of heaven due to the galvanization of the gospel in the hearts of our forefathers in the faith. Forever immune to the rust of this world. Galvanize us oh great father by your love, "and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us" (Romans 5:5).
Have ye any hope to speak of today? Are the cares of this world binding themselves to you like leaches upon a cow in a rice field? Then come, awake, find hope, strength and fortitude back at the simple message of the gospel, "Rise your sins are forgiven." Let us hold fast unswervingly to this hope of the gospel and the unstoppable force that it is.Christus Victus
I Never Felt Like God’s Enemy — Was I?
1 day ago
1 comment:
how much hope that does bring to hear "Rise, your sins are forgiven"!
Thank you for a reminder of what the Lord has done for me. Nothing can be greater than the forgiving of my sins.
As Mark driscoll pointed out, Jesus owns Hell, not satan, so I thank God for such a grace that I may know Him, love him and worship Him.
Let us thank God that his passive wrath has not fallen upon us, so that everytime we are faced with sin we are not slaves to it.
now that is hope!
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