Times of absolute turmoil assail our minds when we are on the cusp of the fork in the road for our lives. In knowing that we are, 'not our own, but we were bought at a price' (1 Cor 7:23) we must take into consideration the will of another, namely that of the Lord we profess. For if he is Lord, then he is to be obeyed (Luke 6:46). So we are under divine mandate to 'consider him who endured so much' (Heb 12:3) when we are at the crossroads of our lives.
I have struggled immensely in my life in trying to discern the specific will of God for me. Looking back to entire epochs of my life, under the urging of the Spirit, through the new illumination of the Word of God, I was cut unto repenting for years of serving him in arrogant ignorance. I realized that in the things concerning God I had been, '...brutish and ignorant;' (Ps 73:22) because I had used the word of God to justify my own actions. I was calling myself a Christian, but doing what I wanted, and defining 'ministry' in my own terms, not those of God(Matt 16:18). I picked and choose the passages of scripture that I fancied, like picking good and bad fruit from a tree, while ignoring Gods way of the Christian life (Rom 12:1,2; Eph 6:6; 1 Thes 4:3, 5:18). I did not, 'turn my feet to your testimonies;'(Ps 119:59) and thus fully and completely live for his glory.
This view upon the past valleys that I have trekked comes clear when I consider 'how' I have gone about trying to understand the will of God for my life. To this error I give the following advice by Martin Lloyd-Jones. If you struggle with trying to find out his will. If know nothing of the light and easy yoke of our so merciful savior, then heed the following words by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. They will be a comfort to your soul as God comes into the dark night of your life and illuminates His own worth.
Some would say, "We dont need the words of man, we have the words of God. Dont elevate this mans word to the position of God. And to this I respond: I dont elevate MLJ to this position in my heart, but I know that I am week and need the guidance of others to the path of Christ. I want to feast upon the wisdom of the ages so as to cease from wandering in the desert of my own ambition. Do what he says, not what I have done. Follow not yourself but the kind merciful shepherd. Follow him as he follows Christ.
“The one vital, all-important thing is to know the will of God. It is not as easy as it sometimes sounds. I was for over two years in a state of uncertainty and indecision before leaving medicine for the pulpit. But in the end it was made perfectly clear and mainly by means of things which God did.
These are the rules which I would advice you to observe:
1. Never speak to anyone about it. Don’t tell people what you are feeling and discuss it and ask for advice. That always leads to still more uncertainty and confusion. Make an absolute rule of this at all costs. Say nothing until you are absolutely certain, because we are all subject to self suggestion.
2. Do not even think about it and discuss the pros and cons with yourself. Once more this leads to auto suggestion and confusion.
3. In meetings, ect. do not start with the thought in your mind, ‘I wonder whether this is going to throw light on my questions or help in any way?’
4. In other words, you must not try to anticipate God’s leading. Believing as I do that God does ‘call’ very definitely, and in a distinct and definite doctrine of a call, and a vocation is distinct from ‘the need is the call’ idea, I believe that God will always make His will and His way plain and clear. With reverence, therefore I say leave it to God entirely as regards purpose, time and all else.
All you have to do is to tell God that you are content to do His will whatever it may be and, more, that you will rejoice to do His will. Surrender yourself, your life, your future entirely to Him and leave it at that…You must not go on asking God to show you His way. Leave it to Him and refuse to consider it until He makes it impossible for you not to do so.” –Murray, Iain, The Fight of Faith, Banner of Truth, Edinburgh, p. 177.
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