Tuesday, December 1, 2009

White Horse Inn

One of my professors at seminary has started a radio show called White Horse Inn. They have a blog, I recently submitted and was accepted to have an article posted on the blog.



Thursday, November 5, 2009

Garbage Burning Fail

Garbage Burning Fail: "

Submitted through the FAIL Uploader

This video also viewable at: MySpaceTV | DailyMotion


Monday, August 31, 2009

My Friends

I love how interesting my friends are. They are truly a blessind and much need encouragement to me all the time. The following transcript is such an encouragement:

me: right..you have nothing to proove. i'll beleive that when i see it
clint: the only thing i lost out on was my pride
me: 'you can live off what people throw away!'
clint: yeah, well thats already been proven
and still is. dude i found a dead deer on the road. and went back at dark to harvest it, and somebody already took it!!!
freshly dead.
me: yeah they are called animal control

I love my friends.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Carl at it again

For all two of you read my blog you should know that I devour most articles that Carl Trueman puts up on the Reformation21 blog. We'll lady and gentleman, he is at it again.

He gives a brief synopsis of what it means to make committed decisions in our world that has elevated the ability to choose as the highest human right. This has many problems but let me just give you a few quotes to stir your appetite for destruction:

"To Lead is to Choose."

"...if it is true that this generation is addicted to the cult of choice and of keeping all options open, is it not the case that this generation is ill-equipped to hold any position of leadership?" And I would ask this as well. Because you have to commit to lead and in a generation that will make no enemies how can this be done?

"Of course, there are many other aspects of our culture which point to this reality of emotional retardation. The compulsive need of some to be liked, to the extent that any criticism of them generates visceral and personal responses speaks of a deeply insecure and immature section in our culture."

"The man who has no enemies has no honour." However, the problem with this Presbyterian saying this, is that he makes excuses not to make reconciliation. It is true what he is saying, but, if we are not careful, our humility will go out the window as our enemies grow.

Read the article, its really good.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Long Time, No Blog

As of late I have been working two jobs, breaking into my new marriage, and trying to study 4 books at once. Therefore, I have not had much time to blog, let alone much else. Despite the such the summer is going quite nicely. I have been thoroughly enjoying my sojourn in Lake Tahoe and it is becoming an ever increasingly special plate to me. Much nostalgia.

Theologically Im just getting more pissed off than ever. Recently people in high positions are making excuses for the church not to be evaglistic, or to use their terms we are only supposed to be a 'witness' and then the officers in the church are supposed to do all the work. Sounds like the catholic church to me, where the priest(officer) does everything.

Along those lines Im trying to figure out myself theologically. There are a lot of discrepancies between the Missional(Mark Driscoll and the church I am going to right now) and the Reformed(old stuffy knowitalls). This is causing a great rift in my brain and will take a bunch of time to sort out. But Im gonna try and stick it out at Westminster Semitary(oops) California, where intelect comes to grow and humilty comes to shrink. At least that has been my observation, because they cant admit that they suck, not even at one thing, which is what we in the working world call arrogance, but in academia your nitch.

However with the daily joys of my personal bible reading(Christ is alive!), my wife, the few times I get to go rock climbing, and failblog all hope is not yet lost.

Here is an encouraging quote by Shakespeare to end this blog(so we can try to be pluralistically positive! Yay for relativism!JK)

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once."

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

30% of all attacks are from the front.


Blowing it up again.

Why go to church? Because like Richard Baxter says our lives are like having one foot in the grave and one foot out. We need the word preached to us to revitalize our souls from their automatic apathy.

Frank Turk reviews a book Im reading right now that is anything but cool, except the cover. Here is my favorite quote so far,

"A lot of guys are patting themselves on the back for being revolutionaries, futurists, and rend shapers. There's nothing really wrong with that, but I just dont want to be one of them. In fact, what we're doing isn't revolutionary at all. It's awfully traditional and old. Feel the excitement." -Ted Kluck, Why We Love The Church, p22.

Just like our beloved Machen, they love their tradition, because it sustains blessed historical orthodoxy.

Get it and read it. Very much worth your money.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Trueman Slams it Again

Some people know me as a very driven person. But I slept in today, got out of bed at 5:30am to read some greek New Testament.

So a long time ago there was a goal that was set in front of me. Not so much like a carrot in front of a rabbit, but more like, I had never accomplished anything in totality in my life at this time and a very honorable goal was set before me that the mistress of fate demanded that I take. It was a great priviledge at the time, something I did not deserve, but was offered out of grace. Rising to the trial by ordeal of manhood, like a soldiers first battle I finnaly realized I had something worth fighting for, values worth dying for, instead of aimlessly wandering around the decadence of America. This goal changed my life by allowing me to be shown that I could attain something by shutting my whining adolescent mouth, working hard, sweating profusely, bleeding incandescently, and walking the line of physical torture. All to attain this goal. So in a more blue collar sense, real men call this hard work, real work. I learned this then, and it changed my life.

However, our world is full of whinny people who victimize themselves into self-aggrandizement at the expense of everyone and to the glory of their own self. One quote from the following article, "...but the tactic is different: to win by seizing the moral high ground that belongs to the professional victim." Ever get jacked out of something by a whiner?

Carl Trueman explains our narcissistic culture much better than I. It is a must read.

Here in this article, Carl Trueman shows where our culture has gone and why it is where it is.

Quit Whining. Go do some hard work. Walk the Ancient Ways.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


It is free to look at on the internet. Some very good articles on John Calvin. Enjoy it!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I used to put up with Mysticism

How can Christians clasp hands with slithering, slimy, pantheistic nightmare angels garbed in light(dead giveaway, read Galatians 1)? I used to put up with mysticism. But now Im gonna have to dust off my flamethrower, again. Weeds growing in the garden, again. Yes, I use a flamethrower for weeding. So did Luther, his flamethrower was his anger, nothing better he said to get the job done and get over depression at the same time.

Time out, let me clarify by what I mean by mysticism. It is anything driven by feelings, emotion, or experience as the primary source. Anytime you hear, "I think the bible says this ________ (no scripture to support, therefore false assumption based only on feelings)". Notice the primary caregive of that sentence. Not I AM but i(lower case for a reason). Going around the text with your own mind and thinking. It is making the 'experience' of God the ultimate reality as opposed to the word driven us to the sacraments(yes I said it). The source by which you understand reality then is only based on your digestion of it, making the pill popper, you, the arbiter of truth. I mean who needs as sieve when you have your life to live? So much to experience. Were talking everything from Mars Volta and Oiuji boards to Evangelical 5 points to get out of debt. Puke on this contextualization. Thats right vomit all over this wretchedness.

Hear me and hear me good. I am NOT SAYING that all experience is bad, but as Christians we must learn to discern(need I say circumcise? Read Lev 19:25-27 first moron) what is right and wrong in this world. The Bible which bears the final authority on how to interpret all data that we are sandblasted with in this information age. Let our experience be modified, need I say governed by, the Word of God and ONLY that. I am NOT SAYING that we dont engage culture or some missional crap. Im saying exalt Christ above all in your daily life and ambitions.

So, I used to put up with mysticism, but after this last insult of one of my favorite bands supporting total anathema literature and exalting love and not the God who is love to the supreme place. Here again we see ana-baptist free will-ism droop into universalism. Whose side are you on? Or is there a side. Is evil a projection or a reality? You might as well shake hands with Depak and call it good.

Machen said it right when, "...for if one thing is clear in the record of Jesus life it is clear that Jesus recognized the justice, as distinguished from the love of God. God is love, according to Jesus, but he is not only love,.."(Christianity and Liberalism, p.131).

And you heard it here first, Dr. Clark predicted this one. Read up on it here.

Once again, read your history, and your Machen.

Give me confessionalism, a Jesuit with a sniper rifle, or a noose. I'd kick the chair holding this neck from bruising but Pete would be mad at my loss of hope.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Art is Beautiful

R.C. Sproul talks about good art here. This is a good article on focusing on the positive(however much I hate it when people say that).

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Friday, May 15, 2009

Oh the memories

Self explanatory if you know me at all.

taken from fail blog give em a visit they are worth it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

Whats the church for?

You do not have to be a Christian very long to ask yourself, ‘What is the church for?’ Some would say that it is the backbone of the morality of this country. Others would say that the church is here to restore culture. Others think that it is ‘the’ culture, as the swarms of homeschoolers hover around Moscow Idahoe. However Machen says a little different:

“The responsibility of the church in the new age is the same as its responsibility in every age. It is to testify that this world is lost in sin; that the span of human life—nay, all the length of human history—is an infinitesimal island in the awful depths of eternity; that there is a mysterious holy living God, Creator of all, Upholder of all, infinitely beyond all; that he has revealed himself in his Word and offered us communion with himself through Jesus Christ the Lord; that there is no other salvation, for individuals or for nations, save this, but that this salvation is full and free, and that whosoever possesses it has for himself and for all others to whom he may be the instrument of bringing it a treasure compared with which all the kingdoms of the earth—nay, all the wonders of the starry heavens—are as the dust of the street.”(J. Gresham Machen, "The Responsibility of the Church in Our New Age," The Presbyterian Guardian 36:1 (January 1967), 13.)

The mission of the church here is much different, much more consistent. Instead of nipping always at the heals of amorphous culture, the pillar must bear the bloody witness of the ever luminous glory of the risen Christ through its marks. These being more worthy than any other treasure.

Let us be reminded of this, strengthened, renewed, and reminded of what we have been given as the church of Christ. This infinite privilege is here to escort us unto bliss.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yup...its good to laugh

Calvin on the Proper View of This World

On Matthew 5:11-12:

“This is the sense of Jesus’ teaching in this passage. To be rich, to be glad, to be satisfied is to be drunk on prosperity and to live the life of senseless beasts. If we are comfortably off, it is not so that we may cover ourselves with gold and silver, or boast of owning fields and meadows, alike those whose goal in life is to have everything they want. Those kinds of people are as good as dead: they bury themselves in their perishable possessions and are incapable of seeing heaven above. As for us, we must take heed to ourselves lest the Son of God condemn us with his own lips: only by looking to him for continual blessing can we escape the misfortune promised here. We are taught, then, to pass through this world as strangers, convinced, as St Paul says, that those who have should be as those who have not. No one would deny that those who have plenty to live on meet many more temptations and run more risk of falling. They need, therefore, to turn constantly to God, and to learn that his gifts are meant to draw them closer t him, to quicked their love and to encourage their obedience. The good things they receive must never bewitch them to point that they become captives of this world.” –John Calvin, Sermons On The Beatitudes p. 79, 80.

A few things like light to a newborn babe strike us:

1)That this world is constantly trying to lay hold upon us much like an octopus. Its tentacles are many, they come from the job, the friends, and even from inside the marketed church as people covet everything from books to fiancé’s. The subtly with which octopi stalk their enemies is no less encompassing then the night drawn up by the dusk. It is coming unless we with wide eyed sober defense resist and run to the city upon a hill, the cross of Christ.
2) We must be as strangers and aliens. As those who immigrate to this country know enough of the language to get by, but none of the slang so let us be so unfamiliar with this world and its ways that the slang of sin is never upon our lips, ‘innocent as doves’ and yet the beauties of heaven always sweetly sweeping silently into our conversations as snakes through the grass. This then will spark the joy of heaven, the sincerity of evil and sin, and the hope of the cross in others lives and God works through the preaching of his word. Marvelously wrapped up in light he will fold this world unto himself in the blissful cosmic redemption. Hope is real.
3)Obedience is paramount upon our being. That with our conversion we would obey our Lord. The duty given by grace induced imperatives shines light upon the path to the joy in times of midnight desperation. And in times of abundance the joy guides us along to the path of consistent, prayerful, duty. Let us do this and live, ‘those who live by the spirit fulfill the law’ (Romans 8:3,4).

Thursday, April 23, 2009

“But not only are my sins forgiven, I know that I am in this new relationship. I am not only forgiven, I have become a child of god, even as I am; He has adopted me into His family. And if you do not feel that you are happy because of that, then you do not know anything about Christianity. When some great honour comes to you you are full of rejoicing , and you tell everybody, do you not? So then, if you have really believed that in Christ you are in the family of God, you must tell the whole world about it and you must be filled with rejoicing. You are a child of God, you have His Spirit in you- ‘joy in the Holy Ghost.’” -Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Kingdom of God p. 84

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

“ ‘Peace’---‘righteousness and peace’. It follows inevitably, does it not? How can people be at peace when they are worried about their souls? How can they have peace when they know they are damned? Or when they are afraid of death because they know that it is followed by judgment? How can men and women have peace when they are striving, only to find how unworthy they are? It is impossible. But the moment they believe this blessed truth of the kingdom of God and in Christ as God’s way of righteousness, then everything is changed immediately. ‘being justified by faith, we have peace with God.’ It is an end of all my futile struggles.” -Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Kingdom of God p.81

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Know Before Whom You Stand

“Indeed, there are so many people who call themselves Christians, but who have never really faced the question of how do they stand before God. they have assumed, like the Pharisees, that if you do this, that and the other, you are all right. They have never though about God; they have never considered their own relationship to Him. But this is what righteousness makes us do. It does not start wit hus and our behaviour and our ideas and our worships and our rituals and all the paraphernalia. It says, ‘There is God and there are you; and you have got to meet Him. You will have to stand before Him, face Him, and give an account of your life lived in the body.’ So we know nothing about righteousness until we have faced that old quesiotn of Job’s: ‘How should a man be just with God?’ (Job 9:2). You see, we can go though life and never stop to think of that. We live from day to day; we live on our own activities, on our own goodness and we are nice and self-contained and we have never faced this question. ‘it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment’ (Heb 9:27), and God will judge us in a holy , righteous manner, because ‘it is He that hast made us and not we ourselves’ (Ps 100:3); and He has put certain powers into us and He expects certain things from us.” -Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Kingdom of God p.76.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Luther on Depression

"Once Luther gave gave three rules for dispelling despondency: the first is faith in Christ; the second is to get downright angry; the third is the love of a woman. Music was especially commended."-Roland Bainton, Here I Stand p.363.

I do realized that most of us have #3 as unavailable at current. However; let with all our might us trust Christ and enjoy music. The third will come, have some faith, God wants it to come.

Monday, April 13, 2009

"Divine judgment may be by the principle of works or of grace but in either case the standard by which man is measured in the great assize is covenant law. In a judgment according to works, blessing rewards meritorious obedience and curse punishes the transgressor. In a judgment by the principle of grace, blessing is bestowed in the face of violation of stipulated moral-religious duty, in spite of the presence of demerit. (Divine justice will, of course, be satisfied whether it be a judgment of works or of grace.)"
-Meredith Kline, Kingdom Prologue p.112.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Luther on Our Lives and Gods Sundays

"...we profit by nothing so much as by the Word. For the whole Scripture shows that the Word should have free course amoung Chistians. And in Luke 10[:42], Christ himself says, "One thing is needful," i.e., that Mary sit at the feet of Christ and hear his word daily. This is the best part to choose and it shall not be taken away forever. It is an eternal Word. everything else must pass away, no matter how much care and trouble it may give Martha. God help us achieve this. Amen." -Martin Luther

The Word people, first and foremost. Get into it. Let it get into you. See the lynch like necessity of letting it get into you. Its a covenant of Grace, "Do this and live".

"Its the only book that when you investigate it, it investigates you." -Alistair Begg

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Purpose of the Scriptures.

"The Bible as Old and New Testaments, was designed to provide constitutions for theses old and new covenants, and in these covenants, the conferral of the kingdom-grant promised in God's covenant with Christ takes place, in typological symbol under the old and in consummate reality under the new." -Meredith Kline, Kingdom Prologue, p.142.

If you understand this, tell me what it means in a comment.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Death of the Church

Machen again brings us up front in Christianity and Culture:

"Instead of making our theological seminaries merely centres of religious emotion, we shall make them battle-grounds of the faith, where, helped a little by the experience of Christian teachers, men are taught to fight their own battle, where they come to appreciate the real strength of the adversary and in the hard school of intellectual struggle learn to substitute for the unthinking faith of childhood the profound convictions of full-grown men. Let us not fear in this a loss of spiritual power. The Church is perishing today through the lack of thinking, not through an excess of it. She is winning victories in this sphere of material betterment. Such victories are glorious. God save us from the heartless crime of disparaging them. They are relieving the misery of men. But if they stand alone, I fear they are but temporary. The things which are seen are temporal; the things which are not seen are eternal. What will become of philanthropy if God be lost? Beneath the surface of life lies a world of spirit. Philosophers have attempted to explore it. Christianity has revealed its wonders to the simple soul. There lie the springs of the Church's power. But that spiritual realm cannot be entered without controversy. And now the Church is shrinking from the conflict. Driven from the spiritual realm by the current of modern thought, she is consoling herself with things about which there is no dispute."

Sounds hopeless huh? Keep reading:

"The great questions may easily be avoided. Many preachers are avoiding them. And many preachers are preaching to the air. The Church is waiting for men of another type. Men to fight her battles and solve her problems. The hope of finding them is the one great inspiration of a Seminary's life. They need not all be men of conspicuous attainments. But they must all be men of thought. They must fight hard against spiritual and intellectual indolence. Their thinking may be confined to narrow limits. But it must be their own. To them theology must be something more than a task. It must be a matter of inquiry. It must lead not to successful memorizing, but to genuine convictions."

The Church needs men. "Be strong, act like men" the apsotle Paul to the Corinthian Church.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So....sex, what to do with it?

I just read this book by Peter Jones who is our resident scholar* at my school Westminster Seminary California about Sex, Paganism, and the God of the Bible. Which is rad. Definitely a rad book, worth reading because many of the things that we do are pagan in origin regarding the massive influx of the oversexed culture that we live in. We are dunked daily before we are saved in pagan views of sex. And when we get saved we are getting dried out, squeezed by the reality of the cross, applied with roadrunner anvil accuracy to shatter our stony hearts. We NEED to recover the biblical view of sex, or die trying. Which probably wont work because sex is about procreation, but that is a topic well beyond my area of expertise. Perhaps we can learn much from this man who has 7 kids, which is a holy number. Watch his interview at the Resurgence, its great!

*By the way a scholar in residence as far as I can gather is a retired teacher at our school who just reads books and writes all day. Sounds great huh?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Pelican Show-3/26/09

Smoke, beer, and dudes with hair longer than their girlfriends. What does it add up to? The swirling synthetic synopsis of a metal show with the headliner Pelican, ending the chaos like triumphant Norse raiders pillaging their conquered stage. Residual effects would be the show, primary causes would be their new album. But in this case the residual effects mesmerize the crowd with droning chants of distorted splendor. And then…

Just when you thought it couldn’t get louder, the bass player only says, ‘Check’. Just when you thought it couldn’t get louder, sound waves slice your shins. Just when you thought it couldn’t get louder the pace resurrects, again. Just when you thought it couldn’t get louder, double bass detonates like cannons from a warship. Just when you thought it could not get louder, the guitar player switches the overdrive on, Just when you thought it couldn’t get louder your ears feel like their bleeding…hearts alive, ears dying, hearts alive, music still going.

These four men were as samurai gods of metal music, blasting through beats with shinobi like precision. Lighting from the gods in heaven cracks the pavement of the crowd with melodies deeply intoxicating. Never have I seen a guitar player so rhythmically meticulous. Drummer so subtly supportive. If Pelican was an ancient Greek temple the drums would be the mighty pillars holding up the outside, strong, sure, confident. The guitar players were as mirrored echoes of the sacrifice resounding in the halls of the temple. A mirror because they play with an afflicted precision. Echoes because they continually faded in and out of the glory of the solo. Both catalytically combining to combust the sweeping fury of raw glory prophesied before the origins of the mammoth to abolish silence and arrest all consciousness. Inauguration complete, Pelican has taken the stage.

Friday, March 27, 2009

More from Machen on Culture

Here a hope for the church found only in the miraculous power of God to raise her from the dead, just like he did His faithful Son,

"The great current of modern culture will sooner or later engulf her puny eddy. God will save her somehow--out of the depths. But the labour of centuries will have been swept away. God grant that the Church may not resign herself to that. God grant she may face her problem squarely and bravely. That problem is not easy. It involves the very basis of her faith. Christianity is the proclamation of an historical fact--that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Modern thought has no place for that proclamation. It prevents men even from listening to the message. Yet the culture of today cannot simply be rejected as a whole. It is not like the pagan culture of the first century. It is not wholly non-Christian. Much of it has been derived directly from the Bible. There are significant movements in it, going to waste, which might well be used for the defence of the gospel. The situation is complex. Easy wholesale measures are not in place. Discrimination, investigation is necessary. Some of modern thought must be refuted. The rest must be made subservient. But nothing in it can be ignored. He that is not with us is against us. Modern culture is a mighty force. It is either subservient to the gospel or else it is the deadliest enemy of the gospel. For making it subservient, religious emotion is not enough, intellectual labour is also necessary. And that labour is being neglected. The Church has turned to easier tasks. And now she is reaping the fruits of her indolence. Now she must battle for her life."

Rise up church and fight, for your redemption draws near.

Taken from Christianity and Culture

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Culture vs Christianity

A few quotes from J. Gresham Machen on Culture and Christianity. My only question is if a Presbyterian wrote this, and if its really about subverting and using the diversity of culture to the glory of God, why then do they all look the same? Oh well, its all grace, even them. Otherwise grace would not be grace.

"There are no labour-saving devices in evangelism. It is all hand-work."

This is why people complain about it, and say its hard, or make stupid excuses not to go out and talk to people. If you dont, it just means your weak. Deal with it people. Do hard work. Its called being a Christian. Like Dr. Clark says, "Plan for disaster, be a Calvinist."

"False ideas are the greatest obstacles to the reception of the gospel. We may preach with all the fervour of a reformer and yet succeed only in winning a straggler here and there, if we permit the whole collective thought of the nation or of the world to be controlled by ideas which, by the resistless force of logic, prevent Christianity from being regarded as anything more than a harmless delusion"

Here is why the modern world rejects Christianity,

"On the contrary, rejection of Christianity is due in the vast majority of cases simply to indifference. Only a few men have given the subject real attention. The vast majority of those who reject the gospel do so simply because they know nothing about it. But whence comes this indifference? It is due to the intellectual atmosphere in which men are living. The modern world is dominated by ideas which ignore the gospel. Modern culture is not altogether opposed to the gospel. But it is out of all connection with it. It not only prevents the acceptance of Christianity. It prevents Christianity even from getting a hearing"

Speak church, fight, stand, or die.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Young Leaders as Insurgents

Two very important videos from Mark Driscoll on Young Leaders, what they are, what they could be, and what they could do. Very important and inspirational. Please take heart older generation. We want to lead, help us, we need you, but not your pride.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Justification, a rest...

“If thou feel thy sins, and the burden thereof, look not them in thyself, but remember that they are translated and laid upon Christ, whose stripes have made thee whole (Isa. liii. 5). This is the beginning of health and salvation. By this means we are delivered from sin, justified and made inheritors of everlasting life, not for our own works and deserts but for out faith, whereby we lay hold upon Christ…
And we are, ‘justified freely by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus’ (Rom. iii. 24). Wherefore it is a great matter to lay hold upon Christ by faith, bearing the sins of the world. And this faith alone is counted for righteousness….Wherefore God doth accept or account us as righteous only for our faith in Christ….
But where Christ and faith be not, there is not remission or covering of sins, but imputation of sins and condemnation. Thus will God glorify His Son, and will be glorified Himself in us through Him.” Martin Luther, Commenting on Galatians 2:15,16.

We are most prone to forget the doctrine of Justification by Faith alone. I have been sweetly reminded of it hence from reading through Luthers commentary on Galatians. Truly it is the most freeing doctrine of all, and hurling oneself headlong therin, sweet refreshment shall come from the pure waters of Zions heavenly stream.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I love Hardcore, but Holy Hip Hop is better

Thank you Thabiti for recognizing. The next thing better would to have Carl Trueman criticize Little Wayne.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chosen By God

"We must learn that God has chosen us, not because he saw something good in us, or found us more amenable than those whom he rejects, but simply that he might reveal the full splendor of his generosity." -John Calvin, Sermons On The Beatitudes, p. 5.

"Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory,
for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!" -Psalm 115:1

"Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use?" -Romans 9:21

This is the definition of the Sovereign Grace of God. Not that we had any favor, beauty, or blessing in and of ourselves, but that God did all the work. Save the stupid, dumb, deaf, and blind Lord. And let the smart, intelligent, quick witted people die in their sin. Thanks be to God for Grace.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Get Killed.

"As John Owen said, “Be killing sin, or it will be killing you.” That is what swords are for, especially the Bible." -John Piper, Swords Are For Kiling

Let God kill you, its way better that way. I mean who really likes a struggling, guilty, spiritual felon?

Unreached People Groups