I just read this book by Peter Jones who is our resident scholar* at my school Westminster Seminary California about Sex, Paganism, and the God of the Bible. Which is rad. Definitely a rad book, worth reading because many of the things that we do are pagan in origin regarding the massive influx of the oversexed culture that we live in. We are dunked daily before we are saved in pagan views of sex. And when we get saved we are getting dried out, squeezed by the reality of the cross, applied with roadrunner anvil accuracy to shatter our stony hearts. We NEED to recover the biblical view of sex, or die trying. Which probably wont work because sex is about procreation, but that is a topic well beyond my area of expertise. Perhaps we can learn much from this man who has 7 kids, which is a holy number. Watch his interview at the Resurgence, its great!
*By the way a scholar in residence as far as I can gather is a retired teacher at our school who just reads books and writes all day. Sounds great huh?
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