Tuesday, August 12, 2008

help with killing sin

John Owen said, “He who pleads with God for the remission of sin also pleads with his own heart to detest it.”

i got this from the 'pulpit magazine' link is on my blog.

1 comment:

Jeremy Hawes said...

Man this week and some days in France have been a great refresher. Even though I am alone in one sense, I have had a ton of time in prayer and reading and meditating over these last 2 years. I believe it is no coincidence the small book I decided to read during this time as it has really hit my heart at an opportune time.

It was actually a book that "A" gave me like a year ago that I haven't touched... mostly because of the crappy cover lol. I can't put it down now and not because its written pretty or anything - it just so Powerfully and Accurately addresses the enemy's strategy in our time. I highly recommend!

"The Mystery of Iniquity" or "The Final Phase of Apostasy" by F.V. Dabold. Not 100% on everything the guys brings up, but still a very enlightening set of observations.

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