Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Consider the nature of your calling, my brothers. The preacher brings to a fallen humanity the testimony of God centered on the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, a work that by nature shatters all human self-sufficiency. To employ methods, in turn, that reflect the wizardry of men is to eviscerate the gospel of its own content. If God has supremely disclosed Himself in the cross, and if following Jesus Christ means dying daily, then to adopt a style of ministry that is triumphalistic, designed to impress, and calculated to win acclaim is a serious contradiction of the gospel; perhaps, even, anti-Christian." -Arturo Azurdia III, The Spurgeon Fellowship, Winter


Anonymous said...
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Grace of God Orphanage said...

(for some reason, I don't think he would like if I called him that...but I can't help it.. I just love his methodology)

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